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Mozilla: No Firefox phones in US

Mozilla leader and "Chief Lizard Wrangler" Mitchell Baker at cell World Congress in 2012. SAN FRANCISCO -- if you're a Firefox OS fan and...

College Admissions Guide for Students and Families

Students and parents alike regularly discover the university admissions method inordinately worrying. This does no longer wants to be the case. The following hints...

Life can be evolving on nearest exoplanets: Study

NEW YORK: Life can be evolving on rocky, Earth-like planets orbiting in the liveable zone of a number of our closest stars which might...

Five Tips to Protect Your WordPress Website From Hackers in 2019

It would be best if you were proactive approximately protect your WordPress internet site from hackers. These tips allow you to preserve your web...

Vivint Cameras: What Is Vivint and How Does it Work?

The Vivint camera is a smart home security camera that includes monitoring, recording, cloud storage, email, and text alerts. It can be connected to...