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College Admissions Guide for Students and Families

Students and parents alike regularly discover the university admissions method inordinately worrying. This does no longer wants to be the case. The following hints...

Mozilla: No Firefox phones in US

Mozilla leader and "Chief Lizard Wrangler" Mitchell Baker at cell World Congress in 2012. SAN FRANCISCO -- if you're a Firefox OS fan and...

Indie hit Skulls of the Shogun out now on iOS for...

Critically acclaimed indie Robottip cell game Skulls of the Shogun has made its solution to iOS units. The sport is a common app; this...

How to Know Who Your Teenage Daughter is Talking To

If you are like a maximum mother and father, you are concerned about your daughter's people striking out with and talking to. And if...

Life can be evolving on nearest exoplanets: Study

NEW YORK: Life can be evolving on rocky, Earth-like planets orbiting in the liveable zone of a number of our closest stars which might...