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Tag: Digirit SIM+

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Google rebuilds Android camera foundation for better photos

The Nexus 5 can take a burst of photographs and combine them right into a single shot with better tonal range with its HDR+...

What is Moving the Bitcoin Price?

This year has been a strange one for the world's leading, largest, and most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin. After dipping down to the $5,300 level...

Mozilla: No Firefox phones in US

Mozilla leader and "Chief Lizard Wrangler" Mitchell Baker at cell World Congress in 2012. SAN FRANCISCO -- if you're a Firefox OS fan and...

How to Make Money Daily With Blog Articles

Endless human beings are blogging inside the globe these days to supplement their earnings. They must solve the questions... Can you get paid to...

Life can be evolving on nearest exoplanets: Study

NEW YORK: Life can be evolving on rocky, Earth-like planets orbiting in the liveable zone of a number of our closest stars which might...