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Google rebuilds Android camera foundation for better photos

The Nexus 5 can take a burst of photographs and combine them right into a single shot with better tonal range with its HDR+...

How to Know Who Your Teenage Daughter is Talking To

If you are like a maximum mother and father, you are concerned about your daughter's people striking out with and talking to. And if...

Life can be evolving on nearest exoplanets: Study

NEW YORK: Life can be evolving on rocky, Earth-like planets orbiting in the liveable zone of a number of our closest stars which might...

Mozilla: No Firefox phones in US

Mozilla leader and "Chief Lizard Wrangler" Mitchell Baker at cell World Congress in 2012. SAN FRANCISCO -- if you're a Firefox OS fan and...

Advancements in the Medical Laser Industry

Mechanical progressions in laser innovation have made plenty of utilizations in the clinical field, prompting a critical ascent in the number of therapies carried...