Home Uncategorized Galaxy Note 3 can now rev up via $70 wireless-charging cover

Galaxy Note 3 can now rev up via $70 wireless-charging cover


Samsung’s $70 Galaxy notice 3 Wi-Fi Charging S-View Flip Cover. Customers of the Galaxy notice three can now give protection to and charge their telephones courtesy of a brand new duvet from Samsung. Selling for $70, the Galaxy word three Wi-Fi Charging S-View Flip duvets encases your phone, aka phablet, in polyurethane leather when the duvet is open, that you could get entry to the complete contact screen.

Samsung's $70 Galaxy Note 3 Wireless Charging S-View Flip Cover.

When the cover is closed, you can see the date and time on the home screen and swipe your strategy to other screens, and menus, notifications, and other indicators also pop up without you having to open the case.

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Highest of all, the case can lend a hand juice up your note three when power is low. Just swap the cellphones present battery duvet with the wireless charging flip quilt. Place the telephone on any I-suitable charging pad. And energy flows via without the wish to plug in charging cables. The case is on hand in both black and white.